Monday, May 16, 2011

Big News

f r e e s o u l
consultations & services
for transformation and healing

April 21st, 2011

Dear friends,

I have big news to share.

I wasn't aware that I had been looking for it, but suddenly there it was, right in front of me, and something inside magnetically compelled me to step into a new experience. A new way of doing my work. A new clarity of understanding life, a new power to create my reality, and an almost delirious happiness to see my future bright and vividly in front of me.

The work I was introduced to by my friend and fellow Journey Practitioner Valerie, is called FutureVisioning. It was created by a brilliant Hypnotherapist, Healer and Metaphysician named Ti Caine. Ever since I began to train with Valerie, it has simply blown me away. It really surpasses what the Journey can do, and you may guess I never thought that was possible, you probably remember how much I love the Journey.

It turns out there were many things I didn't know. I never knew what my brightest future looked like. I never knew that I still held a deep anger inside of me, nor that I was disconnected from God and why, nor that deep down I felt abandoned by the Goddess. I didn't even know there was a Goddess. The Goddess had been nothing more than a playful idea, a deck of cards we drew from, when my best friends and I gathered for our moon circle, or a name we call each other: "moon-goddess", yes, sweet, "sister-goddess" so sweet, but nothing but a game. Not real. Not for me. Until I began to work with Valerie.

The metaphysical principle this work is based on, tells us that all time exists simultaneously and that it is the future that creates the present. The future! Not the past.

That was new to me. Completely new. My relationship with the future was limited. It was mostly shrouded in a general trust, some hopes and the great unknown. In the past I had visualized and used affirmations, used the law of attraction and so on, but then half of the time that stuff didn't work anyway. Yes, it felt nice, but it didn't seem to produce results. Not reliably. So I had mostly given up on it.

Valerie had experienced first hand what starts to happen when we connect with our brightest future... and that it shows us very clearly the blocks that are still in the way. To her it felt like miracles started to happen, not only for herself but also for her clients. To me it feels a little bit like I found one of those pills Bradley Cooper swallows in the movie "Limitless". Pretty amazing! Not just a part of my life, my whole reality is beginning to change.

So, I want to invite you to hear more about FutureVisioning, and to beginn to see your brightest future.

I will give an introductory conference call next week on Wednesday, so please join me if you are interested.

This conference call will be on Wednesday, April 27th, at 12:00 pm EST

(The call has been recorded, if you are interested in hearing the information, please send an e-mail to and request the recording)

If you want to find out more before then, I invite you to a free download of a book that describes this work in detail. It was written by a client of Ti Caine's. You just need to type in the word "gift" into the Coupon code window and then click recalculate. (You have to excuse the author for much repetition in the beginning, she is just so excited over her healing she repeats herself a LOT. The information though is amazing.)

In case you want to visit Valerie's website, go to:

(For a little planing ahead: I will be traveling to Germany in June. I am leaving on June 15th and return on July 6th.)

So, for a short time only, until June 15th, I offer FutureVisioning at a very low introductory rate of $50 per hour.

There is also a complete transformational package. It contains 15 hours of sessions that alternate with integration work with me. The program also includes instructions and guidelines for independent reading and writing. It changes your reality. The introductory cost is $750.

This package can only be booked until I return from Germany on July 6th. The package is the very best way to use this work in order to expand and transform all areas of your life and to create an amazing reality that leads to your brightest future.

The first time full process takes between two and three hours.

After I am back from Germany on July 7th, the fee will go up to $80 per hour, and the new discount price for the 15 hour program will be $ 960. (That means you get 3 hours for free!)

Anybody who wants to find out more about FutureVisioning can book a free 30 min consultation.

Enjoy the arrival of spring! Life is glorious!

Much love!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Discoveries - Part 1: MMS

f r e e s o u l


a newsletter dedicated to educating, informing and inspiring people
to apply new possibilities in healing and inner growth


Discoveries - MMS

It's time to pass some discoveries on. Today I am writing up just the first one, so that I can finally get this valuable information out to you all. For a change this has nothing to do with Journeywork, except for the fact that I found it through my Journey Community, way back in September.

Back then my father had just been diagnosed with cancer. I was in the middle of the Visionary Leadership training in Denver, when the alarming news came that he needed to walk on crutches, because the bone was so brittled by the cancer it could break any time. As fate had orchestrated it, my roommate, who had come all the way from Norway, witnessed me receiving the news, and I discovered that life had paired me up with a woman who, together with her husband, runs a healing center in Norway. Thus I received an immediate recommendation of their most successful treatment. It was called: MMS - Miracle Mineral Supplement. A bottle of drops. These drops get mixed with citric acid, given time to react, diluted with water and juice - and swallowed. "They kill the cancer cells, but not the good ones in the body." That was her short explanation.

My father was eager to start using them, but skeptical by nature, and easily discouraged by experiences of discomfort, he was irritated by the strong chemical smell the liquids create. So he stopped taking them again fairly soon. Took them some more and stopped again. He just wasn't convinced they were good for him.

A turning point.

In December, as fate had planned it, my parents needed to get in touch with his cousin Karin, a woman they don't see very often, who tends to attract many misfortunes and goes through illness after illness, all with a smile on her face. This time she told them about a mysterious swelling in her mouth that keeps her from eating, for which the doctors have given her every imaginable medication and nothing has helped... but recently she received some drops from a friend in her Chi Kung class and... for the first time she is feeling relief. They talked a good amount of time about how these drops help her and about the nausea she feels when she takes a higher amount... before they finally realized: she is taking the very same stuff: MMS! This coincidence now reawakened my father's interest in the strange drops.

When I heard about Karin, it finally occurred to me to do some searching myself. If they were available not just in Norway, but in Germany too, maybe one could also get them here in the US? That's when I found the amazing story of Jim Humble, the American who discovered MMS.
I highly recommend reading his story, you can download the first part of his book for free on several of the websites I am listing below. The second part of the book can be downloaded too for a charge. It contains additional very helpful and thought provoking information.

I also understood what it really was that had been recommended to my father. The most potent killer of disease germs, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, parasites, and toxins known to man. MMS had cured Malaria, Cancer, Aids, MS, Hepatitis, Pneumonia, Appendicitis, the Flue, the common Cold... and much more... wow, that was impressive! And WHY wasn't this more known? That's part of the story you'll discover... quite a story.

We found out there are two holistic doctors in Hamburg who have both cured their cancer with MMS. My father spoke to one of them on the phone. That was impressive too. By now I take the drops myself, my mothers does too, my father started to take them again, I have given them to our dog, to Jimmy and my daughters, and recommended them to neighbors and friends. It cleanses your body from within more powerfully than anything you have ever used before. As it does, you might go through the well known phenomenons of a healing crisis, although the latest protocols seem to maximize the effectiveness with a minimum of the discomfort of detox.


My mother came down with a fever after about two weeks on a pretty low dose. High fever and weakness for three days, nothing else. A chronic bladder infection that she has had for over 30 years of her life, and that she has been taken loads of antibiotics for - without results - has now disappeared.
I am told my housekeeper's neighbor, who suffers from gout, looks like a new person after only a couple of days. After taking them - in quite an erroneous overdose, he first got nauseous and threw up. The next day he slept for 14 hours straight.
A friend of mine, who has been trying to beat an addiction to pot, feels his desire for the substance simply completely vanished.
Jacky, our 12 year old Jack Russel Terrier, will take the drops mixed with some chicken broth. She runs and jumps with new energy, so much so, another neighbor asked me if we had a new dog.
My father continues to heal. His oncologist had already decided in early December that the cancer was slowly receding, now we envision him totally clear from cancer and free from the still remaining pain.

Know that if you look for it, you'll be able to find plenty of negative opinions about MMS, and misinformation as well. The FDA has made efforts to get this product off the market. You may draw your own conclusions what dynamics are at work there when you look at all the data.

Here is all the information you'll need, or simply just begin to take some, and see what it does for you. You will be part of a great grass roots health care revolution.
These are older:

Cheers to your health!!