Sunday, November 22, 2009

1) Service from Guilt? .... and... 2) From War to Peace Consciousness

f r e e s o u l


a newsletter dedicated to educating, informing and inspiring people
to apply new possibilities in healing and inner growth


Service from Guilt?


It took me a while to make the decision to publish this following piece in a newsletter. I wrote it a few weeks ago for the book I am working on. I was worried it would be too long, and feared I might ignite a variety of judgements with it's content... Well, the possible benefits outweighed these fears and I am publishing it now as a way to contribute to a dialog and a discussion about the causes of peace.

It may be fitting that today is the day President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize... makes it a day that turns our focus toward peace. That's good, I think. I have always believed that peace on this planet is nurtured by the consciousness we hold, EACH of us, by how much we either run our personal relationships and professional positions on old patterns of competition or combat, even unconsciously - or how much we are able to replace that with a new way of experiencing ourselves and another human being as part of a greater whole. I thought I did that to a large degree. What came to the surface in Colorado revealed a much more deeply hidden layer of feeling separate.

This newsletter comes in two parts.

For this chapter I first need to take you back to last November.
To the abundance retreat with Brandon Bays, when I served as a trainer.

During the first night of this retreat we all sit down and pull up all the inner limitations that still live in us through a series of guided imagined scenarios, to expose everything that still limits the flow of abundance... so, that covers not just money... it covers relationship too, and the abundance of love and closeness in our lives... and it also covers who we are in the world, whether we have abundance in opportunities to express our potential and live in our purpose.

In one of these little exercises we are asked to imagine ourselves as single and imagine being at a party where we see someone we'd love to go on a date with - an absolute "dream date", but not just see and feel ourselves in the same room with this person, no, then picture ourselves walking over, starting a conversation and finally actually asking that person for a date! All in order to notice what feelings come up, and where we usually stop ourselves. So, I am picking Ethan Hawke and I actually don't have too hard a time walking over to him, and I can even, without too much nervousness, start a pretty relaxed, happy conversation with him, and before I know it, I am talking to him about the Journey... it's all so easy... and he is really interested and intrigued by what I tell him, and very naturally I offer to do a process with him... and right in the middle, while am really pleased with myself that this is going so well, I realize: Oh shit, I am not doing this right!! I am not supposed to find a celebrity to do a journey process with, I am supposed to find a dream date and ask him out on a romantic date!! By now I don't have much time left to play out a whole new scenario, just enough so that I can get a glimpse how much more scary it would be to do it this way. That registers.

A couple more exercises go by. Some bring up more stuff than others, and what I am noticing is the recurring theme of "service" and that whenever I do something that is of some service, I have much less limitation than when it is just about me... again it registers. And then we are asked to pick a project and determine how much time and money we are ready to invest into it on a daily basis. I am thinking: "Oh, that is easy! I'll just pick my book project." But in that instant I remember what I discovered about "service" and how it seems I really define myself through it... and I think: no, wait a minute, why don't I see what happens when I pick something that is NOT of service. Something I'd just do for ME. ... Maybe: Doing Yoga everyday! ...But then I realize, no - That's not something I'd do for myself, I'd do that so my body and I would be more balanced and could be of more service! ... WOW! ... hmmm... So, how about doing something that would really nourish my relationship with Jimmy? ... Well, actually, if I am honest with myself, the biggest reason to build a deeper relationship in the end would be so that I can do my work from a safer, more connected place, so that too would be driven by my desire to be of more service! ... God! ... What is there that would not be driven by needing to be of service??? Is there anything??? I was really scrambling to find something, something completely devoid of service. It would have to be something just totally goofy, just for pure joy and silliness, maybe running around the yard with my little dog Jacky. That was the best I could come up with, just to have something to imagine and work with in this exercise. And now, how much time could I give myself for that every day??? How much time to exercise simple aliveness and joy of movement free from lofty goals and purposes? As soon as I tried to imagine doing anything more than FIVE minutes of that, my throat began to close up, I could hardly breathe, and loud words sounded off in my head: "How DARE you! How can you be so frivolous, so wasteful!!" WOAHH!! What was that???

If there was this apparent need for service that was driving everything I did in my life, WHAT was driving this need? And when I asked that question for the first time in my life I saw the weight of the guilt of being a German, the weight of the crimes that happened during the Hitler regime against the Jewish people. As if it was up to me to work THAT off. In the face of that, yes, how could I ever dare to rest?

I wondered how I had taken that on. I had not even been alive when it happened.

I remembered how my brother had sat in my parent's kitchen just a month ago... weeping. Weeping with a pain buried deep in his chest, the pain of children waiting in vain to be picked up by their parents and their parents don't come. This was not something he had ever experienced himself. When we were young my mother though has shared a traumatic memory from her childhood when she was 11 years old. It was in the middle of the war and she and her younger sister had been sent away to Denmark to be removed from the allied air raid attacks that were coming in on the city of Hamburg during that summer. She remembers peddling a bike through the danish countryside past the barracks of the German soldiers who were stationed nearby just at a moment to overhear a German radio broadcast they were listening to: "All of Hamburg is burning, the entire city is up in flames..."
She biked back to the farm of her host family thinking, "...when the time comes and we are going back by train to Hamburg, I will arrive at the train station holding my little sister's hand and my parents wont be there any longer to pick us up." This had clearly been HER trauma not his, yet HE was the one who still felt the pain.

Similarly, I now wondered if I had taken on a old feeling of guilt from her and my grandparents. Before the war my grandparents owned a small fish store in Hamburg and had become friends with a Jewish family who owned the little electro store across the street from them. My grandfather shared not only the same first name "Kurt" with his slightly younger neighbor, but also a love for riding the motorbike. As the war progressed and the restrictions increased, my mother remembers the other Kurt still coming secretly to see them in their home. He had to pass through the store front and had to pull up the collar of his coat, so the customers wouldn't be able to see the Jewish star that had to be sewn onto their clothing. My grandparents would secretly give the family some fish or other food that had become harder and harder for them to buy, and this was dangerous. When the letter of deportation came, the family exchanged some of their valuables against warm blankets and coats, thinking they were going to Siberia to a work camp. They never returned... and my grandparents never found out what happened to them, but the burden of the guilt of not having been able to save them stayed with the whole family and my grandmother in particular... throughout her life.

That's what I thought of as I sat there with my chest heavy.

Being a trainer at the abundance retreat didn't allow me to have a Journey process myself, so I went home unresolved, but with the sense that if it was right, an opportunity would present itself to release the guilt. This just was too big... it didn't seem to be an issue that I could simply schedule a process for. It was something that needed to happen naturally. But first what happened was life unfolding on it's course, Christmas was only a few weeks away, and the holidays and the new year passed and I started into January with a busy schedule to see clients, presented the Journey to a local healing center and gave a presentation to the high school students in our school... and then... I landed in the emergency room.

In February, in the midst of all the healing work I was doing for my cysts, one of my Journeys took me into the past to Egypt. I had done something unspeakable there, something utterly terrible to many, many people. I couldn't tell what it was, but I saw myself on my knees in front of all of them, a large group, their elders in the front, dressed in in long robes begging them for forgiveness. Doris, the medical intuitive I also worked with, told me later that she could see I had been in a position of power and performed cruel human experiments with... Jews.

Now we can at last fast forward back to Practitioners week in Colorado.

Here I am many months later, in late summer and the 80 or so participants for the Journey accreditation have gathered at the Inverness Hotel east of Denver. As always the group of the North American practitioners in training were joined by other people from various places across the globe. This year there were two men from Holland, one from Argentina, and a large group of women from Israel. On the second night during Satsang one of the women from Israel spoke about her plight against death. Let's say her name was Hannah. Over the course of her life she had developed one life threatening condition after another and in this way had to escape death over and over again, all together 8 times. 8 times she could have been dead in one lifetime! And then she described an experience that dated a wile back, I believe. She was doing something in her living room and had the TV running without sound. Only halfway paying attention, she notices it is some documentary about some group of people... a while into the program they show a scene where all of them are sitting next to each other on a bench in some courtroom, and while the camera pans over their faces, all of a sudden it hits her that she knows these people, knows them personally, name and all! When she turns up the volume she learns that these were the survivors of the twin experiments of Dr. Mengele during the Nazi Regime... and she realizes that she had been one of those twins, one of the ones who didn't survive.

I was deeply shaken up by her story. I immediately thought back to what had been revealed to me in February. What were the odds? The odds of sitting together with someone like Hannah in this practitioners program, someone who may have been a Mengele twin!! What was life telling me, what was it offering to me here?

I went to bed playing out in my mind what it would be like to speak up during Satsang and confess my guilt and ask for forgiveness. God, could I do that? Did I have the guts to do that? But more, did I have the right to do that? No, wouldn't it be simply very melodramatic? Was I considering this mostly because I was drawn to the attention it would give me? If that was my driving force, then I would just need to work with this thing silently on my own. But on the other hand maybe it would create a wave of liberation, maybe it would benefit others to hear me speak about it... No... I must be fooling myself. And then... WHAT would I say? Each time I would imagine to speak about this subject in front of everybody, I had to start crying, and then before long an observant inner part would show up and point out to me how self indulgent I was behaving. Back and forth... back and forth... until I fell asleep. It continued after I woke up in the morning. By the time we were done with morning yoga, I was finally determined I would raise my hand to speak.

Here I have to interject a discovery I had the day before, during my life purpose journey, without which I might not have felt justified to speak up at all.

In this life purpose journey I had left the experience of the physical body behind and felt myself to be part of something endlessly, beautifully big and complete ... and when the question arose: why did I chose to take form and enter physical life, the answer I heard was: "it's simply what you do" It wasn't so much that there had to be a specific WHY that was specific to me, there wasn't actually so much of a ME, it felt more like I was something like a cookie that had been part of the cookie dough... and was simply portioned off and fell into some shape that didn't really have that much significance... the question of coming into form was answered as something like:"What else would you do?" and in that way it wasn't an individual decision of something to do or not to do, it was an experience of being part of something that followed it's own unstoppable process and rules of expansion. Expansion. That was the name of the game. And coming into form, living a human life was the best way to serve this expansion.

I understood in that moment that as a human I am part of that expansion in many ways, all the growing, all the learning, all the changes, all the shedding of old stories and misunderstood identities .... is all part of the expansion of life on this planet, and the evolution of consciousness... but more than anything I was contributing to this expansion by liberating myself from any personal form of human limitation, and in order to liberate myself from a limitation I needed to have slipped into it at first. I had a very clear visual image that came with this awareness: I could see myself slipping into a little shell, or seed, or capsule and at some point I would have gathered the strength or clarity to pop it open: POOFH!!! I saw many poofhs like that that have happened in my life and many more ahead of me. And all of a sudden life seemed so good and perfect in it's utter imperfectness. Yes, all the 'not quite good enough' stuff, all my inward frowns of how I am not matching up to something, all of a sudden become the very matter that expansion happens from. All of a sudden I was looking at the still accumulating piles of paper on my desk with curiosity and gratitude, the flaws in my personality with excitement... any of it will simply serve to create a big poofh when the time is right, and that is the very reason I am here, THAT was the very game I came to play. Wow, that feels different! ... I could also see that there would be situations when I could use this liberation consciously, and it would create a wave around me, a chain reaction of liberation that went beyond my individual experience.

So, this discovery still enveloped my awareness as I swam through the question of whether or not I should speak during Satsang. At some moments it seemed to me that this fear of being guilty would be a superb shell to slip into, one that needed opening in countless places.

The workshop program started... and on that day we did NOT have any morning Satsang. It might not be on the program again until after dinner or until the next day.

By the time the day had rolled to it's conclusion and we sat in the hall after dinner, I was in a very different place and didn't think any longer that I would say something... other participants raised their hands and spoke... and I watched... and listened... and on and off I asked myself: should I?... shouldn't I? ... and more people shared... and the evening was winding to an end... as the last person spoke about her fear... and after she was done Brandon looks around the room to see who is next... and I hear a voice inside my head: "If you don't do it now, you never will!" ...and my hand goes up.

... to be continued

From War- to Peace Consciousenss

f r e e s o u l


a newsletter dedicated to educating, informing and inspiring people
to apply new possibilities in healing and inner growth


From War to Peace Consciousness


By the time the microphone arrived in my hand I was shaking, I didn't really know WHAT I was going to say, just that I needed to speak and step up into full view as someone... who has inherited a huge load of guilt, more even to reveal myself as someone who carries the energy of a perpetrator. It seemed important to stand there in front of them... as a representative of a people who had committed terrible crimes against another people, and on top of that as someone who must have ordered such crimes myself long, long ago in the past. A perpetrator, yes, that was the worst part. It seemed important to declare the conscious acknowledgement of those deeds.

I hadn't sorted all of this out so clearly in my head, in the moment I was standing there, I simply felt the enormous scope of what I was about to address, and right then words failed me, for a while it was difficult to say anything... instead I noticed how my left hand was flexed away from my wrist and tapping an irregular rhythm against my thigh. "This isn't so easy.", were the only words that came out.

As she always does in such moments of visible pain or fear, Brandon called me up on stage to sit next to her on the sofa. Not to be more exposed, but to sit where I could "feel all the love in the room". And there, bit by bit, accompanied by tears, it tumbled out of my mouth, the key segments of what I was here to say, aware that it couldn't ALL be spoken... that the whole story was wayyy too long... that I could only deliver a few condensed portions, and trust that they would come out the right way and contain all that was important. And so... I spoke about feeling this constant current of guilt toward the Jewish people... how I thought this was normal, how I traced it back to my grandparents Jewish friends who hadn't been saved... how I grew up with their story and the beautiful porcelain things in my grandparents home... and how Hannah's story had set something in motion... It was hard to look at the faces in the audience, Brandon right next to me had tears in her eyes, that much I noticed... and I dimly saw people weeping along with me in the front row now, where Hannah sat next to 4 or 5 other women from Israel... I shared the discovery at the abundance retreat of how little time I could give myself for "serviceless" activities... and that my life seems driven by the need to work off this guilt... and there Brandon jumped in.

Brilliant as she is in turning a big personal emotional moment into a moment of expanded awareness for everyone else in the room, she spoke about war consciousness. War consciousness as she had experienced it in Germany with the practitioners in training, how much of it poured into the open there, how deeply it was still buried in this generation and how this war consciousness is something that is part of all our lives, how has been passed on from all our ancestors, whether we know it or not, and concluded that it was up to each of us to clear up this consciousness, because otherwise we remain part of the problem. I had not yet said anything about my memories of Egypt, and now this part of my "confession" that had weighted the heaviest on me, was thus pushed into a shifted energy. Her remarks had given a larger context to my contribution, it had already become something that was being used to clear the very war consciousness I had puled up into the spotlight, it was not about just myself any longer... and in that context speaking about what I had discovered in my Journey back to Egypt had suddenly become much less emotional, it felt almost abstract, yet it too still needed to be exposed, and so I did, very matter of fact, in order not to feel I was being over dramatic. As Brandon was speaking again, I sat there thinking "I really want to ask for forgiveness... can I just ask for this? it even appropriate?.", but I didn't dare to interrupt her. Scattered throughout the audience I could now make out little strings of people who held their hands in a Namaste prayer, looking at me, many were still crying, I scanned over the women from Israel in the front row, yes all of them had their hands together, but others too... and it dawned on me that these were all the Jewish practitioners. Instinctively all of them were sending this silent Namaste to me... and right then Brandon said: "Tomma, before the evening is over, I want you to go to every person who is holding their hands in Namaste right now and ask for their forgiveness." ... Wow... I hadn't expected THAT, not a direct personal exchange like that... that was overwhelming... and made me burst right into tears again.

And then Brandon turned the waves of emotion in the room into something beautiful and made us sing along to a song we all knew very well, called "praises to the world". I still had a hard time looking out into the audience, and so I sang my trembling words into the gray carpet on stage, my voice shaky... when I looked up after a while, I saw that a few single people had risen and sang standing up, their hands now also in Namaste, and as the song progressed, more and more rose to their feet ... by the time the music had ended half the room was standing in prayer, wherever I looked eyes were looking back at me. The love was immense. Feeling one with a room full of other human beings... that's what this was like. Circles ever expanding... yes.

When the song was over, Brandon gave everyone another assignment: find at least five people and say to each other: "I forgive you for having carried the war consciousness of your ancestors." Truly, this war consciousness lived in all of us, there wasn't a single country on this planet that hadn't at a time in the past been at war against another country, another race, or another religion, and killed as many of it's people as possible. Yes, so true. And as people paired up everywhere to forgive each other, Brandon was the first one to speak this forgiveness to me.

Oh, the wave of love and gratitude! I received forgiveness from so many, people lined up to meet me face to face, over and over people thanked me for stepping on stage, some wept on my shoulder. One of the men from Holland cried about all the Jewish people his ancestors had delivered into German concentration camps, his grandfather too had been part of that. One woman, crying profusely, asked me for forgiveness against the prejudices she had carried all her life. Another woman suddenly remembered during her childhood how her father had bragged about how many German planes he had shot down during the war, how many bombs he had dropped. More tears on my shoulder. Another woman told me her father had been a "survivor", and as she spoke there was nothing but kindness in her face. It was a bath... of... something indescribable.

By the time I went to bed, I was so washed clean, so poured over with love and forgiveness, so grateful, so elated, so alive... it was hard to go to sleep.

I woke up with images in my head of groups of people being brought together forgiving each other. Was this something I was called to do? Had I been given this amazing experience in order to take it with me and create a container for others to release the burden of their old genetic guilt? Was this a way to create a stronger peace consciousness in this world? Germans traveling to Israel meeting with Jews? Jews meeting with Palestinians? Americans asking native Americans for forgiveness? Catholics making peace with Protestants in Ireland? Blacks forgiving Whites... US Citizens forgiving members of terrorist groups... them forgiving us...? What would become possible?

Interestingly the day I finished writing up this segment was Yom Kippur. We had been invited to a friends house for a potluck dinner and that's when I learned what this holiday actually means: it's a day of asking forgiveness!

The above questions are still with me. I can do nothing but bring it into the open and surrender to where life takes me with this.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A New Chapter

f r e e s o u l

a newsletter dedicated to educating, informing and inspiring people
to apply new possibilities in healing and inner growth



Today I am announcing something new.

A new form of my work.

A new collaboration that has been preparing itself and growing into blossom since the summer.

This summer was so rich and full. My body had healed, rather quickly really, but the wave of a longer transformation was still carrying me, still bringing new insights, new perspectives, and new skills into my life. In July I met a lovely woman at a wonderful workshop at Kripalu, who needed a room to stay in for a couple of weeks, as she was in the process of moving from Oregon to the Berkshires... and through this divine orchestration she landed in our guest room. Her name is Mary Pat.

I had learned she did some kind of energy work, not something I would have normally been all that interested in, but something about THIS sparked my interest and before long we decided to exchange our work with each other.

Wow, was that a surprise, I don't think I had ever experienced anything like it.

How can I describe it to you? There was music, there was sound she made, different kinds of sound, there was touch, very light, there was the experience of space through the movement of her body, there was closeness and distance. There was a reverence, a love and an intimacy that was at times breathtaking, AND there was energy, in a way I have never felt in my body. Especially afterwards... as if my entire brain stem was rewiring itself... as if I had been infused with a higher voltage than I had been able to generate on my own.

It felt ancient, and timeless, and fresh,
and loving and surprising... all at once. As if this woman was an angel who had floated effortlessly into my life, right here into this room, where she now worked with such dedication, precision, and knowing ... moving through the space around my body in a deeply soothing mysterious dance with my soul. A dance. That's what she had called it before she started: "I am so honored to be dancing with your soul." And I remember thinking: "Dancing? When I am laying here flat on the table?" But, ohhhh yes. A dance it was.

Looking back at the subject of this session the shift has felt so natural, so effortless, and the clarity and insights came so quickly, it never felt like I had to DO anything about it.

As fate had arranged it,
a couple of days later I received a call from my sister in Chile who was looking for help. How lucky this work could be done long distance! Mary Pat was ready to jump in on the issue, and in no time we had arranged a time for my sister that very evening. After Mary Pat had gone upstairs into her room to begin her work, I still sat at the dining table right below her and all of a sudden I thought: "I am doing a Journey in consciousness for my sister too, I'll just work right along with her." And so I did. I noticed a few things: it was very, very easy, the connection felt really, really deep, and my sister had a truly profound experience. That's how our collaboration was born.

We have since collected many more experiences and fine tuned and tweaked the merging of our work with over a dozen different people, both here in the US and also in Germany. We have seen evidence that the energy and consciousness flow that is set in motion is accelerated through the combination of the two modalities. And we are excited about that. The results are so very good.

Now we are ready to offer this work at a low introductory rate to everyone here.
This is how it works:

You let us know what you want to shift or energize in your life.

You need about one and a half hours.

At an appointed time you receive this work comfortably in your own home.

During the first hour you lie down and simply hold an intention of being open to receive all that is being brought into flow, receive all that is ready to come to you and to let go what is ready to be released.

After the session you give Mary Pat a call and share with her what you experienced. She will then give you some feedback from her perspective and speak about how she experienced the energy flowing toward you and what subjects may have appeared during her work with you. She does think of it as a dance with your soul.

I speak my journey experiences onto a digital file, which I send to you via e-mail.

During this "Journey in consciousness" I walk with you down a set of magic stairs into a space of your inner being, meet with your mentor, embark on a magic vehicle, land somewhere in your body, discover where the critical cellular memory that is the root cause for your issue has been stored, and what emotion it's been held in, and then find a memory. I have found that this is not always a conscious memory of an actual event, but just as often a memory of a shift into restriction in your being which has been unconsciously held at the soul level. I will bring this memory with you to the campfire, where we open into a dialog between the younger you and the participants and facilitate whatever it is that allows the clearing and release of the old consciousness to happen. This might include a vow, or belief changes, cutting of legacy lines, an integration of a past life, and advice from the mentor. It always concludes in an expression of forgiveness.

The introductory cost for a full Double Session is $ 150.

Please feel free to call or e-mail with any questions.
We look forward to to sharing this work with you.

To find out more about Mary Pat's work, you are welcome to visit the web site of her teacher Amy Skezas and her guide describing the sessions they give. Each practitioner brings through their own unique expression of this work, yet the fundamentals are so well expressed here. Mary Pat was a student in Amy's first class, assisted in classes, and worked closely with her for several years when she lived in the Bay Area.:

Some responses from our first group of clients:

"Dear Tomma,
I just finished watching and listening to the 'session" material. I was blown away with what you were able to tell me. I am going to listen to it again and expound on my thoughts. So much of it was "right on!" I can't tell you how much this means to me. [...]
Much love and gratitude."

"I wept buckets when my a father apologized and said he was so sorry. I felt the "freedom" in the forgiving. [...]I'm feeling good. I still am reveling in my session with you. [...]"

"The [new] beliefs you mentioned, are very important to me, because I have always been working with another belief: I am not worthy. But the belief 'I am not important' is more accurate and I recognized the immense impact of that belief in my life. So, I'll continue playing with the new beliefs that you haven been spoken of. [...]
Thank you for your time and healing. I feel very blessed."

"It felt very strange but soothing, as if the inside of my body was being massaged, and later there were images of many people in different kinds of ethnic clothing who were working on my organs... and it was as if smoke came our of my body. [...] I don't ever see things like that."

"Your audio file was incredible and completely accurate. I have many memories like the one you describe with my father. [...]Your description of his psyche--[...]--is very accurate. [...]
[...] the journey picked up on the essence of this aspect of my childhood and, it seems, the first time that the inner break occurred for me while living in all this tension and uncertainty. [...] this really struck many chords, as you can see."

"Dear, dear Tomma,
I am speechless, deeply moved, unable to comprehend fully ... astounded, and still shivering from a coldness inside, and one ear all hot... and inside of me something knows: yes, yes, this is the key!!! I will let it settle, - can't sort the words - especially your last summary hits the very core - [...]
I thank both of you so very much -"

"I can already say, I'm feeling really good. I feel more in my center. I am able to think of myself again, it's like there is a new protective layer all around, that regulates me. Like a strong current that keeps negative stuff away from me.
[...] And I am really quiet inside. Normally the next problem would already be showing up inside, [...] it's as if a big knot has opened that finally lets me be in the now. [...]
Thank you for everything!"

Friday, May 1, 2009

"The Journey did not heal my Body"

f r e e s o u l


a newsletter dedicated to educating, informing and inspiring people
to apply new possibilities in healing and inner growth



This may actually be the fist real "news"letter I am writing, as it contains some personal news many of you don't yet know about.

Since January 24th I have been on my own intense, surprising and exhilaration healing journey.

On that day I took myself into the emergency room, thinking I had an inflamed appendix. By the end of the day, with maximum amounts of delauded in my bloodstream, after the morphine had ceased to be strong enough, I was diagnosed with two grapefruit size cysts, one on each ovary.

Surgery, initially the only solution to my situation, ended up being postponed several times, always for good reasons, which gave my body time to recuperate and after 3 days created the opportunity for me to go home and give my body the chance to heal naturally.

For one month I withdrew from all possible obligations and focused on listening to my belly. To sit and breathe. I used all the tools I believe in: Journeywork, bodywork, energywork, hypnosis, nutrition, chiropractic adjustments, and hydrogen peroxide treatments... my days were filled.

A flood of issues were revealed and released, surprising and painful discoveries made, and over the weeks my body became lighter and lighter. In spite of how good I felt, the cysts were not changing much.

In early March a second pain attack sent me straight back to the emergency room. I didn't leave the hospital for 8 days. The surgery removed both cysts, together with tubes and ovaries, and on March 15th I finally returned home. There had been no cancer.

I want to tell you that these last months have been one of the most expansive, transformational and fascinating experiences of my life.

I have kept a journal, initially to keep my friends and family informed and connected... later to gain more clarity about what I was experiencing... still later to collect everything that might be of interest and value to others.

You are welcome to browse through it.

This is what happened last Monday.
In the car on my way to the city.
It feels important to share it with you.

I don't recall what triggered this succession of thoughts, but I will try to recreate them here. There are several experiences that fell together like a mosaic, allowing me to arrive at a new realization. A big one.

The first reflection was on the news that one of my German clients had died. Rose had still been young, in her thirties, mother of a small child and she was suffering from a recurring form of colon cancer. When she came to me a year and a half ago, the medical world had told her that she should put her things into order, because there was nothing much they could do for her. Yet she had felt this surge of conviction that she could make it through this third bout of cancer. I had only been able to work with her twice, in between I had been wondering whether I should have given her firmer assignments, whether I should have been more demanding in her using the Journeywork more often during the months while I could not be in Germany. Would it have made a difference? Who knows.

I was convinced, because I knew by example, that it was possible for one Journey to turn around any health situation - IF it hit the target. And over the years I had been waiting for an opportunity to show off with such a case of my own. Humbly and a little embarrassed I need to confess this here: ultimately I was looking to "show off" - with the best intention of course, because I believed that if I had only one spectacular case under my belt, of somebody who got healed when there had been no hope, or of some condition that got turned around when nothing else had helped, that that would finally start to spread the word in our area faster and farther than I had been able to on my own.

So, somewhat unconsciously, I had been looking for a situation with some public attention to show the power of the effect of the Journey, I was really still trying to demonstrate the power of healing, by delivering an undeniable proof of the result of doing this work. And the result to me was health returned, an illness conquered, a condition relieved. And while I did have lots of "smaller" successes in that way, while some of them had even been stunning in some way, I was never led to a situation where I had been able deliver the Journey as the cause for a major impressive victory. Victory. That was what success looked like to me.

So, in that way I had failed
with Rose, even though the Journey brought her something she valued, though it may have even extended her life. I had failed too with William Ward, even though I only saw him once and much too briefly, because he was already pretty weak. I had failed even with Alex Ballinger, because I hadn't been persistent enough to get in touch with her, and so I hadn't succeeded in at least creating a chance for myself to help her. Not all of that was there as a conscious thought in my head, but the taste of that feeling was present when I thought about Rose as I was driving down the Taconic Parkway.

And then yesterday... I had gotten a letter from another client in Germany, who I have worked with three times over the past years. She wrote that she had been diagnosed with tumors in her lymph tissue. That she wanted to work with me on this issue and was looking forward to seeing me again. She had decided against a medical path and, yes, she was scared. Translucent light green clouds of budding trees were streaming by outside my car window, as I remembered what I responded to her. It is a response I would not have given in the past. I wrote back saying that my first suggestion would be to examine if it really has to be an either or decision, if it might not be possible to include mainstream medicine in her healing process. That more than anything I believed this was about listening to her body, to ask her body who and where she could feel safe with, and if there were difficult decisions to be made she could imagine an image of each of the possible decisions and then merge each one of them into her body and check what that felt like.

Listening to our body.
I had in fact just reminded Jimmy of that two days ago. He is down in Florida again for the big air show "Sun and Fun" - working really hard, running around on the airstrip during the day, sun beating down on the crowds, making connections and lining up photo shoots and then getting up at 6:00 every day to be in the air with the soft morning light, and often again in the evening. After a couple of days he is worn out, his voice so tired at night... but he wants to take every opportunity to schedule more work, and be able to deliver the written stories right away to the magazine too. So I had to remind him to stop. To say NO. To listen to his body. To not wear himself out... for what? To take a nap when his body is calling out like this. Wasn't that what we both had learned during the past months? Sure enough, yesterday he gave in and slept 4 hours straight in the middle of the day. Thank God!

Listening to our body. Maybe that was a major ability I needed to teach my clients from now on? Just as important as doing the Journey itself? It was, wasn't it? That's how I had learned what I needed to learn on my healing path. That's how I had made many of the major decisions.

Listening to our body and being open to discovering something new. Yes. That was the other big thing hat had happened to me. In the beginning I thought I knew where this path was going to lead me. I had expected to heal my body with the Journey and maybe other natural healing tools and to deliver my own proof of the power of this work. And then I had to experience that that's not what it was about. Not at all. Had the Journey healed my body? No. But had it been the very tool to help me understand what this passage was really about? Yes! And... had my body healed in the end? Yes, absolutely.

Discovering something new.
Yes, that was the second piece. And this too should be an essential part of everybody's healing process. It makes sense doesn't it? After all if what we know and do and believe and understand so far contained the ingredients to help our body heal, it would have done that already. Just as Brandon discovered something totally new when she found the Journey, we too need to expect that there is something different out there for us to integrate into our lives, something we had not known before, not in it's fullness.

Our body is nothing but the messenger. Our illness is nothing but the doorbell ringing to let this messenger talk to us...

This is somewhat how the new awareness arrived in my thinking consciousness. And by the time I was crossing the bridge over the Croton Reservoir, the rosy sunset sky reflecting like liquid gold in the still water, filling the air like a soft haze that made you want to stop and touch it... this realization was there with utter clarity:

"As a healer I am not here to help your body heal.
That can not be our primary goal. And it is not our job to conquer your illness either.

Rather I am here to help you welcome this messenger and find out what your body and your life is trying to tell you. Your illness or your physical condition is not here trying to defeat you, it is not an error, a punishment or a failure that it has arrived in your life; on the contrary: It is here to help you discover something you have not be able to notice on your own, a different way of seeing, of understanding and living life.

The measure of success of any interaction between us therefore is not that the illness will disappear, but that you will reach an expanded, liberated and truer way of living your life. And whether your body repairs itself or lets itself be repaired in that process does not make a big difference in the end."

My own life has been and continues to be more profoundly changed than I can put into words right here. The gifts I have received I could not even have imagined. The way the events were orchestrated to carry me through this experience I could have never thought up in my most brilliant moments.

More than ever I am convinced that life never makes a mistake. It is up to us to unravel the mystery that will allow us to welcome it as the loving gesture it always is.