Saturday, June 28, 2008

3 Journey Case Studies - Jan 2005


f r e e s o u l



January 2005
Dear community, clients, and friends,

Many in this community have come to experience The Journey during my introductory offer.
I would now like to share with you some examples of journeys and their results to give you an opportunity for more insight and understanding into the potential of this powerful modality.

I have worked with clients on health issues as well as emotional issues. We have addressed different types of cancer in different stages, digestive problems, unhealthy eating habits, and a simple bronchial virus. We have also explored and released the causes of many different anxieties, low self worth, various dysfunctional relationship patterns, marriage estrangement, fear of making mistakes, childhood abuse, and even the roots of financial troubles. The possibilities to apply the journey to make changes in your life and to come closer to the essence of who you truly are, are abundant.

I thought you would enjoy a glimpse into this amazing process with synopses of a few of my recent cases. I’ve not used the real names of these clients to protect their privacy.

Case Study I

Peter came to me not because of his cough and sore throat, which he had not been able to get rid of for several days, but with unresolved questions about the meaning of his work, and the difficulties of making changes that would result in him feeling more respected by the people who hired him.
The physical journey took us directly into his throat, where we found a memory of his stepfather, standing tall and distant above him at a time when he was about 7 years old. During the dialogue at the campfire the young Peter could at last tell his step dad how neglected he felt, sometimes as if he was invisible to him, and how much he longed to be understood, how much he yearned to feel that he had at least some interest in him. During the exchange he realized that his step dad had given what he was able to give, and had indeed tried to be a father to him, and in a short while he was ready to forgive him for his lack of understanding, interest and presence.
When the journey was finished the pain in Peter’s throat was already almost gone and only half an hour later it disappeared completely.
On the very next day he received four different e-mails from entirely unrelated people, all of them complimenting him on the high quality of his work.
Peter has since done a few more journeys and is currently in the process of fundamentally restructuring his work process.

Case Study II

Selma had done some hypnosis work with me in the past,and had made some good progress, but she felt she had not yet reached the core of the issue, which in her mind she summed up as: there is something seriously wrong with me.
During the physical journey we went to a place in her body, that was not clearly identified and looked like a cave. It linked her to a very early memory of lying in her crib as a baby, utterly neglected by her father, who had ignored her crying and had neither changed her diapers, nor been feeding her. When her mother finally came home, she first argued with her husband instead of taking care of her baby daughter. There is an additional memory later in life when she was about 3 years old. Her parents were still making her eat food she didn’t like, or making her eat when she was not hungry: there was still no offering of the right food at the right time. And there was still the experience of feeling dirty, she wasn’t taught how to wash herself “nicely”.
After receiving her bouquet of inner resources and replaying the situation, the potential of a different life literally unfolded before her inner eyes. She could see the different child she would have been, the playfulness and ease that she could have felt, her grandmother’s presence who would have given her all the food that she loved, and her parent’s ability to actually respond differently toward her, she saw how pretty and graceful she would have looked. She even witnessed a long relationship with a man that had never manifested beyond a light friendship in her actual past.
During the dialogue at the campfire she was not only able to express her feelings, her hurt and her pain to her parents, but she also understood what her parents had experienced themselves. For the first time she could see inside her father how much he was hurt emotionally during his time as a soldier during the second world war, how much that experience had left him forever damaged. She also understood that the choices she ended up making, gave her the very life her mother had always dreamed of, but had never been able to realize. After this substantial exchange she was at last able to forgive both her parents for the way they had treated her.
Selma called me very excited a few days later: She couldn’t believe how different she was feeling! Food was different, eating choices very easy, and when a call for help came from a friend, she was able to respond to it for the first time in her life with first taking care of her own demands, before rushing off to where she was needed. She was thrilled.

Case Study III

Vera came with an issue seemingly out of her control. It was a dispute with her ex-husband Matthew over their daughter. The child was facing some issues in her well-being, and while her husband wanted to stick to a more traditional method of treatment, Vera, who was herself working in the field of alternative health care, was convinced she had the tools that would help her daughter. She found herself vehemently opposed by her husband. Because she also believed that her daughter’s problems had their roots in the emotional disruption and aftereffects of the divorce, and that any further argument and disagreement between herself and her husband would only negatively affect her daughters well-being, she had agreed to not use any of her knowledge. And while she intellectually understood that this was a good decision, it felt as if she had been dealt a deep wound.
In the emotional journey we took, she too was taken back to a time during the first months of her life. Alone in her crib in her room, she was crying for her mother until she finally fell asleep. She couldn’t understand why she was all of a sudden so cruelly abandoned, as her mother would routinely lavish so much attention on her and nourish in her the feeling that she was important, wanted and needed. In her little baby brain the only conclusion she could reach was that there must be something wrong with who she WAS. The fear wasn’t about anything she might have actually DONE wrong, because as an infant, she wasn’t doing anything yet, but rather just being.
During the campfire dialog she expressed all of her deep pain to her mother. In the process she understood that her mother was in fact only doing what most people did at the time: teaching the baby to go to sleep on her own. Her mother had only wanted to do everything that was right and proper for her. Vera forgave her very easily.
Quite as importantly, she also realized that this very early experience had shaped the way she interacted with people throughout her entire life. It had sensitized her to read people and their needs from the very beginning. There was a second startling realization: because she had become so very good at responding to people, and so good at making people like her, it was only someone as impenetrable as her ex-husband who was still be able to show her this deep, old, inner wound. He had in fact provided her with an invaluable service.
Vera wrote to me a few days later.
“... So, now I understand that Matthew's fear, which has of course it's own story and roots, just gave me reason to be reminded of that pain, because what he was trying to stop me from doing has not so much to do with what I do or don't do, but has everything to do with my being, my purpose, my calling, my core. As if, by asking me not to work with Nellie, he was confirming my worst fear about myself: that there must indeed be something wrong with me at my core, so much so that I must be forced to stay away from helping my own child. What an astonishing discovery!
I have to tell you that the charge over this issue has almost completely evaporated. I do feel a new calm and peace inside myself...”

I hope you enjoyed reading about these journeys and find their descriptions useful.

As I have been gathering much new experience with this work, I found that first time journeys tend to take longer than I initially expected, often around three to four hours. They can be quite intense and deeply transformative. Second and third time journeys are increasingly even more effective, yet shorter. They will mostly complete in one to two hours.

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I am planning to continue writing an educational letter with case studies on journeys, soul retrievals and animal healing work on a quarterly or bimonthly basis. Please let me know if you would like to continue receiving these letters in the future, I won’t send you another letter, unless I hear back from you.
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I am sending you all my best wishes.

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